Mit diesem Schiff erreichte die Familie Claus Goossen am 23.12.1853 New Orleans
Schiff Monmouth
Bremen nach New Orleans
23 Dezember 1853
• I, Wm. H. Infant do solemnly, sincerely and truly swear, that the following List or Manifest, subscribed with my name, and now delivered by me to the Collector of the Customs for the District of New Orleans, contains, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a just and true account of all the passengers received on board the Ship Monmouth whereof I am Master, from Bremen, and that five of the passengers died on the voyage.* So help me God. (signed) Wm. H. Infant
• Sworn to this 23 Dec^r 1853 Before me (illegible signature)
• List or Manifest OF ALL PASSENGERS taken on board the Ship Ship Monmouth whereof Wm. H. Infant is Master, from Bremen burthen 728 tons
• Columns represent: Names, Age (years and months), Sex, Occupation, The country to which they severally belong, Country to which they intend to become Inhabitants, and Died on the Voyage.
171* Claus Gosen 29 Male Zimmermann Germany United
172 Anna Gosen 23 Female Germany United
173 Henry Gosen 2 Male Germany United
174 Adelheid Gosen 3m Female Germany United
Anmerkungen zu den Passagieren #171-#174
Claus and Anna (Waesch) Goosen family, also from Bremervörde area: Settled first southeast of Cole Camp, later near present-day Lincoln, southwest of Cole Camp, where Claus died 1903, Anna 1910.
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